Credit Card & ATM Processing Service

Card Data System ( CDSCA, Inc ) delivers smarter, faster and easier payments for businesses just like you.
Business Relationship Management
​ we provide focused and customized payment processing solutions to our customers. Our service is customer-driven. We understand each customer's business entails unique payment system configurations, and we strive to cater service is based on the human touch. we go further than simply advising our customers on payment solution matters. We try to anticipate the future payment solutions needs of our customers. We provide in-depth consulting on payment solution-related matters. Think of us as your business partner and consultant
Service Offered
Credit/Debit Card processing Service
POS support
Restaurant/Quick Service Resturant(QSR)
Business to Business(B2B)
ATM Installation and Processing Service
Electronic Benefits Transfer(EBT)Processing
Automated Clearing House(ACH)Processing Service
Gift Card Processing
E-Commerce Payment Solution